So I was flipping through photos when I found this one.

So I was flipping through photos when I found this one.
Labels: God and Such, Life
But hey, if all goes well, we'll have more oil and better gas price. A deal of lives is a fair price for a deal of gas.
3466 dead.
25549 wounded.
Labels: Free Writing
It's been a while since the last time I've posted anything of substance. I've been unbelievably busy with theatre and music... so busy that I've kicked God out for literally about a week.
I mean; I've acknowledged his existence, talked to him here and there... but at the end of it all, I suck.
A substantial amount of change is going to happen very soon for me. Granted, I know I've said this before, but It's reached a point of paramount significance. I've been living for Stephen for the past two weeks and I've gotten absolutely nowhere except further from everyone who means something to me.
I've realized this week that when I have too much to do, I block out everyone. Then, when I have time, I look behind me to see if I've run anyone over during my frantic race to get everything done. I hate it because I always find a way to set time a side, and recently I haven't.
Lots has happened recently.
-Jerry died, which means Lynchburg will be wiped of the media map forever.
-An LU student made several homemade bombs that were to blow up Ben Phelps and his "GOD'S YOUR ENEMY! GOD HATES FAGS! EVERYONE BESIDES US IS GOING TO HELL!" Westboro Baptist Church brigade who were picketing Jerry's funeral. The explosives were found in his car before any damage was done.
(Their whole view irks me. [you can read up on it here] God hates everyone who isn't a puritan-based Christian like we are. Everyone who doesn't believe in exactly what we do is going to Hell, because we're the only ones who have ever interpreted the Bible correctly.
Somehow, I don't think Jesus died for people he hated, seeing as he pushed the whole 'love-love deal. I also think it soils the entire idea of salvation... I mean, It's wrong to sin, yeah. But if you do, you're alright, cause that's why Jesus died in the first place. But you know what guys, maybe you're right. But come time to stand before the Big Guy, you may wish you had drawn people toward God, not scared them away.
Just a thought.)
-I'm going to be graduating soon. That's a weird feeling. A good one, but a weird one.
-My band House is basically set for shows in the summer, which means I'll be working from 8-4 every weekday, and practicing every other minute after that. (once again, cramming my schedule.)
Guess it's time to stop writing and actually do what I've been intending to do all day.
My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.
(Exodus 33:14)
Labels: Free Writing, God and Such, Life
Labels: Rumination
Labels: Free Writing, Rumination
--Henry Ellis
Labels: Life, Rumination
Once, I built a fort around the dog house in my back yard to keep out all of the attacking infintry. I held my own with sticks, rocks and homemade slingshots, while calling out to my non-existant troops to "push forward! They're retreating!" I would then kick down the wall I built and charge into the very center of the battle and hack away at my advisaries with my mighty sword that I had drawn from my belt loop sheath.
I never lost a battle, yet the victories never grew dull. I was always so proud of my accomplishment.
These days, my battles are against real infintry, and there's nothing good about my victories.
Labels: Rumination