So I have a question.
How do we go about worshiping God when we can never begin to paint an accurate picture of who he is? How can we as people possibly give Him something that's fit? How can we take our tainted, blemished, and faithfully screw-up lives and present something to Him that's acceptable?
I've been thinking about how let down He must feel. How hard it is to watch us and allow us to choose to hit the ground running from Him, only to fall flat on our faces and into the most turbulent of situations.
So how can i possibly show substantial and legitamite gratitude to the King who gave me something to contribute to His sovereignty. I'm no longer living to make a living. Because that, i think, is the saddest, most tedious fate imaginable. instead he asks me to pick up His flag and march, to become part of something that will never die out. Revolutionary? That's a radical title, but it's something to strive for.
how can I give something suitable back? what can I bring to the table that leads God to say "Thanks bro. I needed that."
Isaiah was a great follower, but it wasn't until God brought handed embers to his lips that he saw and understood how much this Guy deserves,
I'm fed up with not knowing who I'm living this thing for. And if it takes wrestling with Him, or having His touch scald my skin, I'm willing.

How do we go about worshiping God when we can never begin to paint an accurate picture of who he is? How can we as people possibly give Him something that's fit? How can we take our tainted, blemished, and faithfully screw-up lives and present something to Him that's acceptable?
I've been thinking about how let down He must feel. How hard it is to watch us and allow us to choose to hit the ground running from Him, only to fall flat on our faces and into the most turbulent of situations.
So how can i possibly show substantial and legitamite gratitude to the King who gave me something to contribute to His sovereignty. I'm no longer living to make a living. Because that, i think, is the saddest, most tedious fate imaginable. instead he asks me to pick up His flag and march, to become part of something that will never die out. Revolutionary? That's a radical title, but it's something to strive for.
how can I give something suitable back? what can I bring to the table that leads God to say "Thanks bro. I needed that."
Isaiah was a great follower, but it wasn't until God brought handed embers to his lips that he saw and understood how much this Guy deserves,
I'm fed up with not knowing who I'm living this thing for. And if it takes wrestling with Him, or having His touch scald my skin, I'm willing.

It's worth a handicap.
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