Friday, August 15, 2008

the trickle effect of power and a literal take on the whole "mustard seed" thing.

our heroes are idols standing on thousand foot towers with power, influence, merchandise and witty catch phrases. They promise us solution, fashion, and thirty second prayers to save us from Hell. We flash pictures of their faces hugging poor black children and elderly women in nursing homes just before they retreat to one of their beverly hills fortress... which is one of several.

we drool over their beautiful faces, their inspirational words, their wonderful intentions, and then we wait to see change trickle down from their sky scraper status and giant-sized power to us.

we argue what will be best for the world, we vote, we listen to sermons justifying the military gaining ownership of the cross, we decide that an unborn baby's life should be protected but a criminal's should not, and we wait for the big dogs to change the world for us. we are then left to pat ourselves on the back and sleep through the night knowing that we've done what's asked of us. We are the good citizen.

widows are made from campaigning and overworked heroes. Holy families eat their overpriced post-church meals disregarding the several nearby who would trade their bottle for half a sandwich. All of us rely on services and organizations and politicians to help the world. We love the poor when we get up on saturdays and go to the food pantry. we do something nice for the community for that annual event. so much is missed and left to wilt in the shadow of government plan and the church's limited interests.

meanwhile, a few start to realize that passion, motivation, and a legitimate love for neighbors and Christ spreads fast enough to make an arsonist envious; and while the heroes bicker over each other's opinions, much needed change disseminates households, neighborhoods, cities.

we become friends with the poor. we pick up trash because it helps others enjoy creation. we reach out in love rather than obligation or some twisted sense of self gratification. we write to the soldiers and we baby sit their kids out of love, not pity. we demolish social status and give our extra coats... not because it's nice, but because it makes everyone a little more alike.

but i tell you:
vote, find your opinion, volunteer.
then pick up the pieces that all of these things leaves behind for the sake of being what Christ asks us to be.

it can happen
or it can end with my punctuation.

He will be pleased. I swear it.

2 think:

Lucy Doughty said...

you're on a roll
these were the best i've read.

(and by that, i measure personal impact. i know writing impressively isn't your motivation, after all)

Anonymous said...

this is my favorite of all, stephen.
your passion and drive is so encouraging.