Sunday, March 4, 2007


[I find it frustrating that i can't speak well at all. I never find the words i want to say, and I more than occasionally don't make coherent sentences.

I also it find irritating that i can have an amazing assiduity when working on something i like doing, like typing this now or playing music, but i can never pull that attention and discipline out of me when i need to study or do anything else constructive.]

[Attention Deficit Disorder. With it, I suck at school.

Without it, I suck at life.

One unfortunately can lead to another. So I'm trying to find a happy median, and medication is out of the question.]

[I feel like I'm intellectually inferior. To trump this, i learn a new word every day. And also learn something about history and music. That may seem ridiculous, and it probably is. But i don't mind. Ridiculous works for me.]

[Some will seek forgiveness, others escape.]

I'm happy with life. I don't know why, but for some reason i feel like everything is going to fall exquisitely into place.

And what's great about this whole situation is that i have absolutely no control over it...

and frankly, that's perfect. I'm glad to sit in the passenger seat for a while.

1 think:

Lucy Doughty said...

How is it that you're so in touch? I'm working on developing opinons as intelligent. After going through many blogs today, this one brings me hope for humanity.

That was pretty heavy, huh. I don't usually respond that way..