Sunday, March 4, 2007

What else was there to do but smile?

The two sat on top of his car, both in an utter daze. Anxiety had set in about 5 hours ago, but all the worry eventually led to numbness. His back was on the hood of his '87 Toyota and his eyes were set on the orange-red clouds above his head. She had her knees pulled to her chest and was looking down at the city below them. They didn't come home the night before. It would've been nonsensical to do so, the thought of sleep wouldn't have crossed their minds.

They hadn't spoken in about a half hour. They had prayed, cried, and mused to extent their bodies could take. Now it had become a matter of rest and waiting.

He closed his eyes and managed to smile... perhaps out of stark submission to the situation. What else was there to do but smile?

She looked at him and said half-smiling and asked, "Any good news?"

"Well, I'm going on twenty-four hours without sleep, i haven't showered, I'm going to be a father in nine months, and I'm most likely to be excommunicated... and i just got hit with an absurd epiphany. Now how I came to this conclusion, I couldn't begin to fathom... but somehow, I'm positive that two cups of coffee and a sunrise might take our minds off of the fact that we've completely demolished our chances of ever being perceived as reputable human beings."

"That was a lot of big words for you. I'm impressed."

"Eh, I've had a good 5 hours to think about it." She smiled. "So? You, me, some coffee?"

"Yeah... yeah I think that would help."

They didn't move. They kept their eyes fixed on the sky.

"What do you think of the name Emory?" she asked.

"Isn't that a band?" she smiled again. "I like it."

2 think:

Lucy Doughty said...


like bill and your blog with ashleigh. same thought process?

Stephen said...

you are correct.

very much a reoccuring theme in a lot of what i write.

what can i say? the man's inspirational.