Sunday, September 2, 2007

It's not what makes the world go 'round, it's what makes the ride worthwhile.


maturity is achieved when love becomes not only a catalyst for change, but for responsibility.

That statement really only makes sense if it's applied to very particular situations. None of these situations have anything to do with romantical love. Love initially is relational, Godlike. It's never infatuated or romantic.

And it's love in that form which instigates the perfection in life... at least the perfection that lasts.

love -noun
1. A silent conversation soundtracked by mixtape #13.
2. Fireworks in the snow
3. Necessary too-long hugs.
4. Running to catch torrential downpours
5. Hot chocolate with a hint of french vanilla.
6. Playlists specifically for hookah.
7. 3:32 am coffee runs.
8. Stories from the crazy war vet.
9. Stars, pipes, and fresh tattoos.

2 think:

Colin Harman said...

You're amazing, and I do love you man. Thanks so much for being an amazing part of my life, and giving me the privilege of being a part of yours. You're incredible.

Colin Harman said...

hookah playlists are always a must as well...